It was only three months ago that i was in my own house every day at seven home from work. I had a nice job selling cars at a car dealership. I was making good money to support my family and myself. I could almost by whatever I wanted to at the time. Money was not an issue at all. Everything was going great until the Great Depression hit. I feel like I lost everything. One by one people were losing jobs and losing all their possesions. Eventually it hit me and i lost everything. I tried going to the bank but it was closed and all my hard earned money dissapeared. I lost my job as well. I soon found out that I could not find work very easily so I went to the American Legion Unemployment Bureau to try and earn some money. It was like a stampede in there because everyone was looking for a job so they could support there familes and others. It was very difficult to get a job because there were so little jobs and so many people. This is how my life changed over the time and during the Great Depresion.