Japanese immigrants mainly cam to the United states of America for opportunity and safety from war. They did not get the best treatment but were not treated nearly as bad as slaves during the Civil War. Many Japanese people did hard labor or worked in factories of some sort. Once the attack of Pearl Harbor occured on December 7th, 1941, the lives of Japanese people in America would change tremendously. They were told to pack up belonings but only neccesities. They were told to bring what they could fit in two hands. After the one week notice of packing up they were to leave on a bus to a concentration camp somewhere. Some families were sent to San Bruno, California. They were to live in the horse stalls that were there. The life of living in there was crucial. It was only 9 by 20 feet and had a mixture of manure and dirt on the floor. It also had horse hair on the floor as well. The food that was served was moldy and old. After the cpncentration camps were done many Japanese people served in the mililtary. Life as a Japanese immigrant was very rough during World War 2.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Japanese Immigrants before and after Pearl Harbor
Japanese immigrants mainly cam to the United states of America for opportunity and safety from war. They did not get the best treatment but were not treated nearly as bad as slaves during the Civil War. Many Japanese people did hard labor or worked in factories of some sort. Once the attack of Pearl Harbor occured on December 7th, 1941, the lives of Japanese people in America would change tremendously. They were told to pack up belonings but only neccesities. They were told to bring what they could fit in two hands. After the one week notice of packing up they were to leave on a bus to a concentration camp somewhere. Some families were sent to San Bruno, California. They were to live in the horse stalls that were there. The life of living in there was crucial. It was only 9 by 20 feet and had a mixture of manure and dirt on the floor. It also had horse hair on the floor as well. The food that was served was moldy and old. After the cpncentration camps were done many Japanese people served in the mililtary. Life as a Japanese immigrant was very rough during World War 2.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It was only three months ago that i was in my own house every day at seven home from work. I had a nice job selling cars at a car dealership. I was making good money to support my family and myself. I could almost by whatever I wanted to at the time. Money was not an issue at all. Everything was going great until the Great Depression hit. I feel like I lost everything. One by one people were losing jobs and losing all their possesions. Eventually it hit me and i lost everything. I tried going to the bank but it was closed and all my hard earned money dissapeared. I lost my job as well. I soon found out that I could not find work very easily so I went to the American Legion Unemployment Bureau to try and earn some money. It was like a stampede in there because everyone was looking for a job so they could support there familes and others. It was very difficult to get a job because there were so little jobs and so many people. This is how my life changed over the time and during the Great Depresion.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

One of the most interesting things to see during my time travel was seeing all the immigrants cometo the United States. They were from all over the world. I felt bad for many of them due to the fact that most of them were poorly treated. They were paid extremely low and had cery dangerous jobs as well. Although some of them became very succesful like Carnegie. Eventually these immigrants got respect and were treated better as time went on.
Leaders of Inustry

When I was traveling back in time I got to see most of the leaders of industry. One admirable leader was Andrew Carnegie. He started fairly poor starting off. He was an immigrant from Scotland. One thing I liked about this leader was that he gave back some of the money he earned to people. However it is said that he did not treat his workers the best. Another leader was Henry Bessemer, he was from England and was a very smart business man. He created the Bessemer process which helped him become the man he was. He did not treat his workers very good. Both of these leaders had pros and cons but both were very succesful in their era.
The man on the left is Andrew Carnegie and te man above is Henry Bessemer.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Living conditions of the late 1800's

When I went to the 1800's I experienced the extremely difficult liveing conditons of the factory workers. It was much more extreme than the living condtions of today. Back then they lived in slums called "The Plains". It was very crammed and the rent was pretty high. I think that some areas in America today is somewhat like this but very few areas are. It is a good thing living conditons are not as bad as they used to be.
The factory workers got very little money. I asked myself why would someone go live there. Then i realized that they were being drawn by ads that were false. They showed people haveing loads of money in there hands and a nice place to live. The ads were completely false, I thought that was not good at all. Overall the living conditions were extremely bad and unacceptable and it is a good thing that has changed.
Inventions of the late 1800's

Inventions made a huge difference in the late 1800's. Many things could not be done without most of these inventions. One invention that is very important that we still use today is the light bulb. The light bulb was made by Thomas Edison. This great invention had a huge impact on the world today. I think that this is one of the most important inventions of that time era.
In addition to the light bulb, the telephone was extremely important as well. This allowed people to communicate to each other from long distances instead of having to travel miles just to say something. This invention changed the way things worked a lot. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. I think this was very important to the world at that time.
Monday, December 14, 2009
1800's factory working condintions

As I traveled back through time I experienced many horrible working conditions. Most factories had no source of cooling which would be awful during the summer. People were crammed in a tiny area and were expected to work and had high expectations. The buildings were very unsafe and most had no prevention if there was a fire. The Asch building had about 100 pales of water as something to put a fire out. Along with that, most workers could not even leave the buliding to go to the bathroom. The workers were paid as low as six dollars per week. In addition to that the money they earned would be used to pay for electricity and thread. If I were the president at this time I would personally stop all factories and make a change for a safer enviornment. I thought seeing these factories reminded me of a jail or a prison.
The factory above is the factory i was visiting.

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