Sunday, January 3, 2010


One of the most interesting things to see during my time travel was seeing all the immigrants cometo the United States. They were from all over the world. I felt bad for many of them due to the fact that most of them were poorly treated. They were paid extremely low and had cery dangerous jobs as well. Although some of them became very succesful like Carnegie. Eventually these immigrants got respect and were treated better as time went on.

Leaders of Inustry

When I was traveling back in time I got to see most of the leaders of industry. One admirable leader was Andrew Carnegie. He started fairly poor starting off. He was an immigrant from Scotland. One thing I liked about this leader was that he gave back some of the money he earned to people. However it is said that he did not treat his workers the best. Another leader was Henry Bessemer, he was from England and was a very smart business man. He created the Bessemer process which helped him become the man he was. He did not treat his workers very good. Both of these leaders had pros and cons but both were very succesful in their era.

The man on the left is Andrew Carnegie and te man above is Henry Bessemer.